Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Treating Congenital Heart Disease Children Without Surgery 

Along with technological advances in medicine, children with congenital heart disease (CHD) is no longer necessary to have an operation or surgery. Non-surgical interventions have been carried out many pediatric heart centers, including in Indonesia.

Congenital heart disease (CHD) is a problem that is quite prominent in the field of child health. One in 100 babies are born suffering from CHD, ranging from the types of mild to severe or complex. With the number of births of about 4.5 million per year today, then in Indonesia is estimated no less than 45,000 newborn babies will have that congenital heart disease.

PJB contributed importantly to the high infant mortality rate in the country, including developing countries such as Indonesia. About 30 percent of babies or children who suffer from congenital heart disease should have surgery in the form of corrective action or actions on the optimal timing of intervention, so that children can grow and develop properly.

Without Surgery or No Surgery
Children with CHD should have suffered the most of the operations which of course had no small risk. In addition to very cause concern to parents and families, action open to orperasi heart (with bypass) in children requires an adequate range of facilities ranging from operating rooms, intensive care unit (ICU), as well as educated and trained professionals, such as cardiac surgeon, anesthesiologist , perfusionis, and skilled care. In addition, pediatric patients also require longer treatment than adult patients. Additionally, the surgery will leave scars on your chest surgery or chest wall.

Along with technological advances in medicine, particularly in the field of interventional cardiology children (interventional pediatric cardiology), most children with CHD no longer need to have surgery or surgery. Some of CHD are frequently found, such as a PDA (patent ductus arteriosus), ASD (atrial septal defects), and VSD (ventricular septal defects) can be corrected by using the 'tools' in the form of coils or Amplatzer occluder.

Interventions for CHD
Some of CHD can be corrected with the Amplatzer occluder, among others:

PDA (patent ductus arteriosus)
PDA is an abnormality in the channel that connects the existing blood vessels in the heart (the aorta and pulmonary artery). PDA occupies 5-19 percent of the portion of existing CHD cases and more common in girls.

Currently the treatment of PDA with interventional procedures (Transcatheter closure) is a method selected from the last decade. Unless the size of the PDA is not suitable, eg too large or occur in small babies, including newborns.

PDAs require closure to prevent the occurrence of heart failure. Closure is done by using a device (Amplatzer Duct Coils and Onccluder) through the usual procedures such as cardiac catheterization. Many studies dilakakukan at the heart of the service centers around the world show that non-surgical PDA closure procedure is very effective with a success rate to 99%.

ASD (Atrial Septal Defects)
ASD approximately 19% of all congenital heart disease. Often show no clinical symptoms, but if it is severe the child will show symptoms of shortness of breath, rapid fatigue and exercise intolerance (skills activity) decreased. First, ASD should be corrected with surgery using an open surgical procedure (open heart surgery), with a heart-lung machine, which of course had no small risk.

Today, ASD closure technique without surgery by using a device (Transcatheter closure) is one option that has been a lot done around the world with very satisfactory results. ASD closure using the Amplatzer Septal occluder (ASO) has been widely reported to show high effectiveness and safety.

VSD (Ventricular Septal Defects)
CHD is the type most often found in children with percentages around 20% -25%. VSD can cause increased blood flow to the lungs so that it can cause heart failure. VSD closure with interventional procedures using the Amplatzer occluder ventricle (AVO) is an alternative treatment without surgery.

VSD closure using AVO was effective and safe, but need to watch out for complications in the form of impaired flow of blood vessels in total on the atrioventricular (AV block). These complications can occur due to installation of the AVO with a size larger than the size of the defect. 

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