Sunday, June 29, 2014


Name               : Tri Oganda
NPM               : 11 23 108
Class                : B4.1


Once upon times in a small village on the shores of Lake Toba there lived a husband - a wife with his beautiful daughter named Seruni. In addition to beautiful , Seruni is also classified as a diligent child because she always helps her parents when they 're working in the field that the results are used to the needs of daily life.

One day , Seruni have to work in the fields by himself because her parents were have purpose in the other village . She was accompanied only by her dog , named Si Toki . Arriving at the field Seruni just sat pensively , looking at the natural beauty of Lake Toba . While the dog , the Toki , come sit next to while staring at his master's face that looked like he was facing a problem . The occasional dog barking to distract Seruni if there is anything suspicious around the fields .

Actually , the last of days Seruni always looked glum . Because the father would set her up with a young man who still considered his own cousin . In fact , She had an affair with a young man in the village and has also promised to build a new home . This situation makes it confused , she not knowing what to do , and began to despair . In the other thinking she does not want to disappoint his parents , but in the other sides she also could not break with her ​​boyfriend .

After pondering a few moments and without producing anything - anything , chrysanthemum rose from where he sat . With tears loose he walked slowly toward Lake Toba . Apparently he was very desperate and wanted to end his life by jumping into Lake Toba . While the Toki who also followed his master to the shores of the lake can only barking because they do not know what is going on in the minds of Chrysanthemum .

When walking toward a cliff at the edge of Lake Toba , he suddenly fell into a hole to get into the big rock bottom. And , because it is located at the bottom of a very dark hole , making the pretty girl got scared and cried for help to his dog . However, since Si Toki only an animal , then he can not do anything - anything except continue - constantly barking around the mouth of the hole .

Finally, the girl was getting desperate and saying to myself , " Ah , I'm better off dead. "

Having said that, for some reason the wall - the wall of the hole began to close . " Parapat ... ! Parapat the rock ! "Cried so Chrysanthemum stone walls getting closer and squeeze her body .

The Toki saw the incident immediately ran into the house to ask for help . At home The old man immediately approached Toki Chrysanthemum who happens already at home . While barking , clawing - paws the ground and - paced around his employer , Si Toki tried to tell that the Chrysanthemum in danger .

Aware of what is being hinted at by the dog , parents Seruni immediately headed for the fields . Both ran after Si Toki to get to the edge of the hole where they are mired girls . When he heard her screams of the hole , the mother immediately make a torch as a light for it was dusk . While the father ran back to the village to ask for the help of the neighbors .

Before long , most of the neighbors had gathered in the house for the father Chrysanthemum together - equal to the hole to fall Chrysanthemum . They were brought there bamboo ladder , mines , and torch as illumination .

Arriving group in the fields , while tears Chrysanthemum Mother said to her husband , "Sir , the hole is too deep and opaque . I just heard the faint sound of our child says : parapat , parapat stone ... "

Without answering the question his wife , father Seruni soon See in to the hole and shouted , " Seruniii ... ! Serunii ... ! "

" Chrysanthemum ... my son ! We 'll help you ! " Come screaming mother .

Some times they shouted , but received no reply from the Chrysanthemum . Only a faint voice sounded Chrysanthemum - faint that sent rocks around him to move up and squeezing .

Residents present at the spot trying to help by holding a rope to the bottom of the hole , but did not touched or held by Chrysanthemum .

Feeling worried , his father decided to follow his daughter into the hole , "Mom , hold the torch ! I will go down to pick up our son ! "

" Do not be hasty , sir . This hole is very dangerous ! " Prevent his wife .

"Yes sir , this hole is very deep and dark , " said one neighbor .

Chrysanthemum 's father changed his mind after the sudden sound of thunder and the earth shook devastating docked slowly making holes and closed by itself . Chrysanthemums were in the hole finally squeezed and can not be saved .

Some time after the shaking stops , at the top of the hole is closed and it appeared a large rock that resembles the body of a girl that seems to hang on the wall of the cliff at the edge of Lake Toba . People who saw the incident believe that the rock is an incarnation of Chrysanthemum and later renamed as the " Hanging Rock " .

And , since the last chrysanthemum greeting heard by residents only " Parapat , Parapat , and parapat " , then the area around Hanging Rock later was named Parapat . Parapat has now been transformed into a tourist destination in North Sumatra province .

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