Saturday, July 5, 2014

A.4.4 " ARTICLE "

NPM    : 12 23 094

Disease killers: How to avoid sickness and premature death

4 steps to achieving (and maintaining) optimal health

Create a healthy vision for your future. In speaking with many natural health experts - the message is very clear - a positive vision about your life is essential for optimal health. For example, a cancer patient may currently be suffering - but they see themselves as completely healed. Your vision is everything.

Develop emotionally stability - especially in hard times. Obviously, a healthy diet and good relationships can get just about anyone through rough times. But, ultimately, toxic (negative) emotions - like chronic fear - can suppress the immune system and cause premature aging. Simply put, resolving emotional issues are essential to enjoy a healthy life.

Get rid of limiting beliefs about yourself. Napoleon Hill, author of one of the most successful books of all time, Think and Grow Rich once said, "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve." Never forget, your personal beliefs affect your health and your ability to heal from illness.

Finally, create a personal strategy for success. If you're looking to prevent, even reverse disease - you must have a plan. And, if that plan is not working - my best advice would be - get another plan. For example, if your primary care physician is unable to help you feel better - find another doctor, as fast as possible.

On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Roby Mitchell, M.D. talk about the most important health topics of our time. Learn how to eliminate disease symptoms and enjoy great health.

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How to do the Master Cleanse

The Lemon Detox diet is a cleansing program and encourages only the intake of lemonade made from the following ingredients: lemons, pure maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water for a minimum of ten days only.

To create the mixture, mix the ingredients in the amount instructed by Burroughs and drink a minimum of at least six to twelve glasses of the concoction daily through out the day. Drink the lemonade whenever hunger pangs strike.

A laxative must be taken in the morning and then in the evening. Using a salt water flush instead of a morning laxative can also be availed of instead. However, be sure to observe at least three bowel movements in a day. This will ensure that the waste accumulated in the intestinal walls is totally removed.

Always enjoy the Master Cleanse lemonade drink fresh and do not subject it to microwave as doing so will minimize its effectiveness. For each successful day, the psychological need to eat is slowly overcome full, providing confidence and a sense of control that motivates the person undergoing the diet.

Breaking the Master Cleanse is just as critical as starting it. On day one coming off the fast, immediately after the end of the master cleanse, slowly introduce orange juice into the diet. Day two will see the introduction of vegetable soups and broths. Day three observe a diet of fruits and vegetables. Be careful not to overeat or eat too soon and drink plenty of water. Slowly ease your self to a normal diet and avoid meat, fish, milk and eggs.

After undergoing the Master Cleanse, it is advisable to eat wisely. The gains derived from the Master Cleanse diet will surely be a powerful foundation to change old habits and start a life free from disease.

NPM    : 12 23 098

Cognitive mapping and how organic foods make you smarter

(NaturalNews) A cognitive map is a mental map, model or representation that helps code, store, recall and even decode information regarding attributes of everyday phenomena. This includes metaphorical spatial environment. These maps are also mental representations of physical locations, helping humans and animals find their way by recalling important features, like back-tracking your way out of a maze. They provide insight into worlds where humans have sensory deficits or physical handicaps -- think of the blind navigating their way through familiar territory. Also, unimportant information is often excluded, so a cognitive map can be very different from an actual place.

Cognitive maps can be constructed for spaces as small as your bedroom or as large as planet Earth. They are utilized in child psychology and emotional counseling. These conceptions also mature with us. Cognitive mapping evolves.

Where does YOUR mind "go," and what are the "routes" you're taking? Could you also eliminate mental obstacles? Think of your brain as a huge tree, with thousands of tiny branches, and they all have leaves, which are like your new experiences that need watering. Your context via interaction with your environment designs the maps of physical, mental and spiritual realms. Highly nutritious food is the fuel and a major part of this to consider now.

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Five surprising household uses for vinegar

(NaturalNews) It would be difficult to find a household in the United States that does not contain at least one bottle of vinegar. Indeed, this strong-tasting liquid, which comes in many varieties but is primarily made from acetic acid and water, has been considered an essential ingredient in food preparation for centuries. Aside from being a condiment, it was used to pickle vegetables, make vinaigrette and other salad dressings, and flavor sauces such as ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise. It was even used as an ingredient in certain beverages, such as posca, a sour wine that was popular in Ancient Greece and Rome.

Despite its popularity in food preparation, however, vinegar was revered first and foremost as a cleaning agent. In fact, before the advent of chemical cleaning products, vinegar -- which usually contains at least 4 percent acidity, and is a proven antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antimicrobial -- was one of Europe's cheapest and most effective household cleaners. It still is cheap and effective, of course, and remains an excellent natural alternative to the toxic cleaning products found in most supermarkets.

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The Mercury-Laden Fish Floated for School Lunches

It’s Thursday morning at the Portland Public Schools central kitchen on Riverside Street in Portland, Maine. A crew of white-coat-clad kitchen employees is preparing locally landed Acadian redfish fillets topped with oyster cracker crumbs and seasoned with Old Bay for more than 2,000 elementary school students. This facility prepares local seafood once a month as part of the district’s commitment to the local food movement.
“We’re either doing redfish,” says Ron Adams, the director of food services, “or sometimes, we’ll get the haddock coming off Georges Bank.” Although Adams prefers the haddock, he’s pleased with the redfish, especially since it helps support beleaguered local fishermen.
Species like Acadian redfish, scup and sea robin have earned the moniker “trash fish” in commercial fishermen’s eyes because demand is so low that the price per pound makes them hardly worth landing. Some of these species are so abundant that they can interfere with harvesting money-making species, such as cod. But cod and other iconic New England seafood species are disappearing because of overfishing, and fisheries managers have drastically limited the amounts fishermen can catch. So trash fish are now getting a makeover.
Numerous campaigns by environmental groups are looking to rebrand trash fish. But some New England politicians think the process is too slow — and the markets too small — to provide the immediate assistance fishermen need. In the past year, some politicians have begun looking to federal food programs as customers for one of the most abundant and despised species: the Atlantic spiny dogfish. But proponents of serving dogfish in school lunchrooms, food kitchens, prisons and disaster shelters seem to have missed the simple fact that the mercury levels in the fish mean that serving it to these populations could be a risky move.


Diagnosing Asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the airways. According to the National Institutes of Health, the inside walls of asthma patients' airways become sore and swollen. This makes them very sensitive and more prone to react to irritants or pollutants. During an asthma attack, patients experience a number of different symptoms that, if left untreated, can be fatal. An accurate diagnosis of asthma is therefore critical to ensure that your doctor prescribes the right medication and that you make the right changes to your daily routines to manage the condition.
Spotting the symptoms of asthma
The severity of asthma can vary considerably from one patient to another. For one person it may simply be a minor irritation, whereas for another it could be life-threatening. Generally, the signs and symptoms of asthma include shortness of breath, chest tightness and whistling or wheezing when breathing out. These symptoms often become worse if the patient is suffering with a cold or flu, according to the Mayo Clinic. If the symptoms become markedly worse during or after exercise or in certain other environments, then it is important to ask your doctor to establish whether the patient has asthma or not.
Physical examination
A physical examination will often yield a diagnosis of asthma. Your doctor will be looking to eliminate the potential for other conditions and will ask you questions about your medical history, symptoms and lifestyle. This exam may be inconclusive, however, and other diagnostic tests may be required.
Lung function tests
Lung function tests can be used to establish how air moves in and out of your lungs when you breathe. There are normally two tests. Spirometry checks how much air you can breathe out after a deep breath and how quickly you can do it. This establishes whether your bronchial tubes are narrowed. A peak flow meter will be used to establish how hard you can breathe out. As the Mayo Clinic highlights, if the reading is lower than normal, it is possible that you have asthma.
Other tests
A series of other tests is available if a diagnosis remains inconclusive.
  • Methacholine challenge. Methacholine is a drug that is known to trigger asthma. If you react to the drug when you inhale it, then your doctor is likely to diagnose asthma.
  • Imaging tests. A chest X-ray and/or a computerized tomography (CT) scan of your lungs and sinuses will be able to detect any abnormalities that may be causing breathing problems.
  • Sputum test. A sputum test looks for white blood cells in the saliva and mucus that an asthma patient may cough up. A colored dye called eosin is used to help detect these cells easily.
As part of the diagnosis, your doctor will also attempt to establish the severity of your condition, which can dictate the treatment options available. Asthma can range from mild and intermittent to severe and persistent. Your doctor will establish severity by reviewing your test results and talking to you about your symptoms.

Mendiagnosis Asma
Oleh: Philip Lop
Asma adalah penyakit kronis yang mempengaruhi saluran udara. Menurut National Institutes of Health, bagian dalam dinding saluran napas pasien asma 'menjadi sakit dan bengkak. Hal ini membuat mereka sangat sensitif dan lebih rentan untuk bereaksi terhadap iritasi atau polutan. Selama serangan asma, penderita mengalami sejumlah gejala yang berbeda yang, jika tidak ditangani, bisa berakibat fatal. Oleh karena itu, diagnosis yang akurat asma sangat penting untuk memastikan bahwa dokter Anda meresepkan obat yang tepat dan bahwa Anda membuat perubahan yang tepat untuk rutinitas harian Anda untuk menangani kondisi ini.

Bercak gejala asma
Tingkat keparahan asma dapat sangat bervariasi dari satu pasien ke pasien lain. Untuk satu orang mungkin hanya iritasi kecil, sedangkan untuk yang lain itu bisa mengancam nyawa. Umumnya, tanda-tanda dan gejala asma termasuk sesak napas, sesak dada dan bersiul atau mengi saat bernapas keluar. Gejala ini sering menjadi lebih buruk jika pasien menderita dengan flu dingin atau, menurut Mayo Clinic. Jika gejala menjadi nyata buruk selama atau setelah latihan atau di lingkungan tertentu lainnya, maka penting untuk meminta dokter Anda untuk menentukan apakah pasien memiliki asma atau tidak.

Pemeriksaan fisik

Pemeriksaan fisik akan sering menghasilkan diagnosis asma. Dokter Anda akan mencari untuk menghilangkan potensi untuk kondisi lain dan akan mengajukan pertanyaan tentang riwayat kesehatan Anda, gejala dan gaya hidup. Ujian ini mungkin tidak meyakinkan, bagaimanapun, dan tes diagnostik lainnya mungkin diperlukan.

Tes fungsi paru
Tes fungsi paru dapat digunakan untuk menetapkan bagaimana udara bergerak masuk dan keluar dari paru-paru Anda ketika Anda bernapas. Biasanya ada dua tes. Spirometri memeriksa berapa banyak udara Anda bisa bernapas setelah napas dalam-dalam dan seberapa cepat Anda bisa melakukannya. Ini menetapkan apakah tabung bronkial Anda menyempit. Sebuah peak flow meter akan digunakan untuk menetapkan seberapa keras Anda dapat bernafas. Sebagai Mayo Clinic menyoroti, jika membaca lebih rendah dari normal, adalah mungkin bahwa Anda memiliki asma.

 Tes-tes lain
Serangkaian tes lain tersedia jika diagnosis tetap tidak meyakinkan.
    Metakolin tantangan. Metakolin adalah obat yang dikenal untuk memicu asma. Jika Anda bereaksi terhadap obat ketika Anda menghirup itu, maka dokter kemungkinan untuk mendiagnosa asma.
Tes pencitraan. Sebuah sinar-X dada dan / atau computerized tomography (CT) scan paru-paru dan sinus akan dapat mendeteksi adanya kelainan yang mungkin menyebabkan masalah pernapasan.
Tes dahak. Sebuah tes dahak mencari sel-sel darah putih dalam air liur dan lendir yang pasien asma mungkin batuk. Sebuah pewarna berwarna disebut eosin digunakan untuk membantu mendeteksi sel-sel ini dengan mudah.


Sebagai bagian dari diagnosis, dokter juga akan mencoba untuk menentukan keparahan kondisi Anda, yang dapat mendikte pilihan pengobatan yang tersedia. Asma dapat berkisar dari ringan sampai parah dan intermiten dan persisten. Dokter Anda akan membangun keparahan dengan meninjau hasil tes Anda dan berbicara kepada Anda tentang gejala-gejala Anda.


What is Tetralogy of Fallot

Tetralogy of Fallot is a congenital heart disorder meaning that children are born with it. It is named after a French physician who described it in the late 1800?'s. Tetralogy of Fallot is the most common cause of blue baby syndrome occurring in five out of every 10,000 babies born. There are four problems with the heart that comprise the tetrad. They are:
Large Ventricular Septal Defect. This is a hole that connects the bottom two chambers of the heart and allows blood with less oxygen to mix with blood that has oxygen. Blood with less oxygen has a bluish color. This is the reason that the babies appear to have a bluish color when they have this disorder.
Pulmonary Stenosis is a narrowing of the normal flow of the blood from the heart to the lungs. This narrowing can occur in the heart itself, at the level of the pulmonary valve, or after the valve in the pulmonary artery or in any combination of the three locations. This narrowing to flow helps to inhibit the natural flow of blood to the lungs and can encourage additional mixing of blood through the ventricular septal defect.
Right ventricular hypertrophy results from the fact that the right bottom chamber of the heart has to pump harder than it normally would against the obstruction of the pulmonary stenosis. The heart muscle then becomes thickened just like any other muscle that is exercised excessively.
The final problem of the four is an overriding aorta. This means that the aorta is actually shifted over the ventricular septal defect and essentially straddles the left and right side of the hearts allowing the mixture of the blood with oxygen and with less oxygen to travel to the body. This contributes to the bluish color as well.
It is helpful for parents of babies with Tetralogy of Fallot to understand what is wrong with their baby?'s heart and to seek the advice of professionals trained in treating this disorder
Apa Tetralogi of Fallot
By : Kidgas .

Tetralogi of Fallot adalah kelainan jantung bawaan yang berarti bahwa anak-anak dilahirkan dengan itu . Hal ini dinamai dokter Perancis yang dijelaskan di akhir 1800 ? ' S . Tetralogi of Fallot adalah penyebab paling umum dari sindrom bayi biru yang terjadi pada lima dari setiap 10.000 bayi yang lahir . Ada empat masalah dengan jantung yang terdiri dari tetrad tersebut . Mereka adalah :

Besar Ventricular Septal Defect . Ini adalah lubang yang menghubungkan bagian bawah dua bilik jantung dan memungkinkan darah dengan oksigen kurang bergaul dengan darah yang memiliki oksigen . Darah dengan sedikit oksigen memiliki warna kebiruan . Ini adalah alasan bahwa bayi tampaknya memiliki warna kebiruan ketika mereka memiliki gangguan ini .

Paru Stenosis adalah penyempitan aliran normal darah dari jantung ke paru-paru . Penyempitan ini dapat terjadi pada jantung itu sendiri , pada tingkat katup pulmonal , atau setelah katup dalam arteri pulmonalis atau kombinasi dari tiga lokasi . Penyempitan ini mengalir membantu untuk menghambat aliran alami darah ke paru-paru dan dapat mendorong pencampuran tambahan darah melalui defek septum ventrikel .

Hasil hipertrofi ventrikel kanan dari fakta bahwa ruang bawah kanan jantung harus memompa lebih keras daripada biasanya akan melawan obstruksi stenosis pulmonal . Otot jantung kemudian menjadi menebal sama seperti otot lain yang dilakukan secara berlebihan.

Masalah terakhir dari empat adalah aorta utama . Ini berarti bahwa aorta sebenarnya bergeser selama defek septum ventrikel dan pada dasarnya melintasi sisi kiri dan kanan dari hati yang memungkinkan campuran darah dengan oksigen dan dengan oksigen kurang untuk melakukan perjalanan ke tubuh. Hal ini memberikan kontribusi untuk warna kebiruan juga.

Hal ini berguna untuk orang tua dari bayi dengan Tetralogi of Fallot untuk memahami apa yang salah dengan bayi mereka ? ' S jantung dan untuk mencari nasihat dari profesional terlatih dalam mengobati gangguan ini


Dementia Facts and Information

Knowing dementia facts can help you provide care for a loved one who has this condition. Dementia can take a heavy emotional toll on a family, because this condition robs the sufferer of their cognitive abilities.
Causes of Dementia
Dementia is caused by many factors, including Alzheimer's disease, drug and alcohol abuse, Parkinson's disease, brain tumors and traumatic brain injuries. In older patients, dementia is often mistaken for Alzheimer's; the difference between dementia and Alzheimer's is that Alzheimer's is a physical condition that attacks the brain. Alzheimer's is a form of dementia, but it's not the only one.
Facts on Dementia
  • Dementia is a condition caused by many factors and disorders that affect the brain.
  • Dementia causes functioning, both intellectual and physical, to be impaired.
  • Memory loss is a common symptom of Alzheimer's, but does not appear in all forms of dementia.
  • There is no cure for dementia. There are drugs that treat Alzheimer's disease and some forms of dementia. The drugs do not stop or reverse the brain damage that causes dementia, but they can slow the disease's progression.
  • People with moderate dementia and advanced dementia need care around the clock, including help with everyday activities.
  • Dementia may cause depression and anxiety, to the point where the affected person has panic attacks.
Treating Dementia
Dementia symptoms vary from person to person. Typical symptoms include emotional outbursts, hallucinations, personality changes, a loss of motor function, depression, confusion and memory loss.
Caring for a person with dementia is difficult because the affected person may not recognize family and friends. He may ask questions over and over again, because he cannot remember that he previously asked the question.
Dealing with the increasing problems of dementia patients, including behavioral problems, can be stressful for caregivers and family members. It's important to remember that the personality changes and outbursts are not personal; they are out of the patient's control. Caregivers and family should seek help through counseling or support services to deal with the emotional challenges of caring for someone with dementia.


Learn The Basics of Fibromyalgia

By: MrsKP

Fibromyalgia- is a condition that causes all around body pain known to feel in your joints, muscles and tender points also other soft tissues areas on the body. One key thing to know is what a tender point is, tender points are points known to be on the arms preferably the elbows, buttocks, chest, knees, lower back, neck, thighs, abdomen and shoulders. Those are the areas that you will feel pain. Also with Fibro you may feel a burning sensation where you have pain also a numbing or tingling feeling, but everyone is not the same. Some feel pain all over in the same spot and other may feel pain seem to jump from one spot to the next.
There are many other things that come along with have Fibro but you may not know you have Fibromyalgia but you have other conditions like depression, irritable bowel syndrome or sleep problems. Most of the time doctors will diagnosis you with having depression and not know any different because along with depression you as well can have pain. There are medications out to help but Fibromyalgia is a life long thing there is no cure known at the time. The medications are to help less the pain but also know that you can do other things as well to less the pain and suffer from Fibro.
Fibro suffers often have good days and bad days and ten to do more on there good days, but it could help a bit if you try and balance your days out and try to have a routine have your body get used to times of getting up and do certain things. But it can be difficult with have sleep problems, most may suffer from fatigue- feeling drowsy all day or feeling like you didn?'t get enough sleep or may have problems sleeping all together and try and get sleep when they can  Some things to try are:
  • Change your diet- there are certain foods that can make people with Fibro feel sicker.
    • 7 foods to avoid (note that it?'s not a guarantee that it will help that much but you could try.
      • Aspartame (known to be in Nutra sweet)
      • Foods having MSG (monosodium glutamine) and nitrates this is found in most frozen foods.
      •  Sugar, fructose, and simple carbohydrates such as white bread and try to limit the intake and change white bread with 100% whole wheat bread(make sure it says 100% whole wheat)
      • Caffeine
      • Yeast and gluten which are found in most baked goods such as cakes & breads.
      • Dairy- being low or high fat milk( try skim)
      • Tomatoes, chili and bell peppers, potatoes, and eggplant (any plant that its own as a nightshade plant may trigger flares.
  • Try to do some form of exercise on the days (good days) that you don?'t hurt so much.
  • Do things that relax you the less stress the less pain


Mighty Vitamin E: Its Eight Components Offer a Range of Healing Benefits

It took scientists years after the discovery of vitamin E in 1922 to figure out what it did. At first, two teams of researchers, one from the University of California at Berkeley and the other from the University of Arkansas, believed the vitamin was essential for reproductive function. The UC scientists had found that the diet they were feeding female laboratory rats didn’t support normal pregnancy, while the Arkansas team had discovered that a similar diet was missing something that resulted in sterility in male rats. As often happens in science, the two groups collaborated and identified the missing nutrient as a fat-soluble factor with vitamin-like properties.
This missing factor was named E because it was the next vitamin to be discovered after vitamin D. The new vitamin, which was added to rat chow, subsequently prevented miscarriage and sterility. Not surprisingly, E was first touted as the “sex” vitamin.
It’s taken decades to determine how vitamin E functions and what human diseases it might prevent. Its antioxidant properties were shown to help protect against heart disease, while researchers at Tufts University found that E was critical to immune support and for preventing cataracts and other vision problems. The National Cancer Institute investigated E’s cancer-fighting powers, and Swiss researchers discovered that certain components of this vitamin had important functions beyond their antioxidant powers.
Eight Amazing Es
Vitamin E is actually a generic term for a family of eight related compounds (isomers) including tocopherols (alpha, beta, gamma, delta) and tocotrienols (alpha, beta, gamma, delta). However, only alpha tocopherol is used for measuring vitamin activity, and this is designated in international units (IU). The stated label supplement claims for vitamin E activity, therefore, refer only to alpha tocopherol, regardless of which other tocopherols the product contains.
In the past few years, research has found that the other tocopherols and tocotrienols exhibit biological activity that is distinct from that of alpha tocopherol. Consequently, most vitamin E preparations contain the other tocopherol isomers.
Each new discovery adds to the reputation of mighty E, which Americans take to prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer. Or at least they did before the media fallout in November 2004.
The Vitamin E Controversy
A paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association and later published in the Annals of Internal Medicine suggested that doses of vitamin E above 400 IU/day might actually increase the risk of dying. This research took the medical community by surprise and obviously caused real concern among consumers. In fact, a poll commissioned by the Dietary Supplement Information Bureau revealed that among 1,051 adults, 18 percent were less likely to take the vitamin after reading about this study. However, the same poll also found that Americans believe in the benefits of vitamins and E in particular.
The response from the scientific community was swift. Top nutritionists and researchers quickly pointed out that this research, a meta-analysis of 19 published studies, was badly flawed and inconclusive. Ten of the studies in this review involved people who already had serious chronic diseases or were at high risk for disease, and some investigations involved too few people to be meaningful. Some of the studies also reported inconsistent results. Nevertheless, the meta-analysis lumped together all research that used some form of vitamin E.
The researchers themselves reported that their analysis was, at best, an estimate. Fortunately, a subsequent survey of the literature by scientists at the Council for Responsible Nutrition in Washington, DC, demonstrated that vitamin E—up to 1,600 IU per day—is safe.
Supplement Guidelines
To gain the greatest benefits from vitamin E, choose a supplement that contains at least 200 IU of mixed tocopherols (oil form) and 100 IU of mixed tocotrienols. It’s preferable to biobalance tocopherols and tocotrienols, reflecting the ratios found naturally in the bloodstream.
Finally, there is an important distinction between natural and synthetic vitamin E. Natural vitamin E, labeled d-alpha tocopherol, has greater biological activity than synthetic E, which is labeled dl-alpha tocopherol.
E’s Preventive Powers
Here are some of the latest findings on the many protective activities of vitamin E and its components:
  • Taking vitamin E may reduce risk of Type 2 diabetes.
  • E supplements appear to prevent metastasis of prostate cancer.
  • Gamma tocopherol and alpha tocopherol (along with selenium) help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
  • Supplementation with vitamin E (and C) may have a protective effect against stroke.
  • Tocotrienols reduce the effects of aging, including lowering cholesterol, preventing platelet adhesion, and suppressing tumor cell growth.
  • Tocotrienols may inhibit estrogen-dependent and independent breast cancer cell growth and stabilize cellular homeostasis in vitro.
  • Tocotrienols also appear to slow growth of blood vessels to tumors (a process known as anti-angiogenesis).
  • Alpha tocotrienol helps prevent damage to brain and nerves.
  • Tocopherol (and beta carotene) levels are lower in people with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Gamma tocotrienol is required for vitamin D metabolism in animals.
  • Gamma tocotrienol is more protective against colon cancer than alpha tocopherol. 

What Are Diabetic Socks

Diabetes occurs when your body doesn't produce enough insulin or doesn't produce insulin at all. If there isn't enough insulin in your body or your body isn't using what little you do have, glucose or sugar can't get into your cells. This buildup of glucose saturates your blood and your cells don't function properly. Glucose buildup in the blood causes damage to organs, nerves and blood vessels. It can also cause a heart attack or stroke. One of the most dangerous side effects from diabetes is a diabetic coma; this kind of coma occurs due to dehydration and too much glucose in the blood. Diabetic socks can help people fight effects of the disease.
Importance of foot care
Diabetics must take good care of their bodies, particularly their feet. If you are diabetic, you can develop artery disease that in turn creates poor blood flow to your feet. This can lead to nerve damage in the feet, also known as neuropathy. The condition can actually make you lose feeling in your feet. If you have neuropathy, you might not feel the pain from a cut or bruise on your foot. Your foot could then get infected and swell. Left untreated, the problems could lead to amputation. Sixty percent of all amputations today are due to diabetes. The American Diabetes Association studies show that one in five people who have diabetes need medical care related to foot problems.
Diabetic socks characteristics
Diabetic socks help keep your feet healthy and safe from injury by reducing pressure on the area. They do not have seams; seams in regular socks can sometimes cause blistering or sores on diabetics' feet.
Diabetic socks are generally made from cotton and synthetic materials for easy care and comfort. They also control moisture in the area and are anti-fungal. Moisture-control diabetic socks allow your feet to breathe, preventing sweating and keeping bacteria from growing. The socks come with nonrestrictive tops and are nonbinding. They don't have any tight elastic like regular socks do, so they lessen the chance of rubbing or blisters.
Diabetic socks are generally white so it's easy to see any blood stains or infection residue that may come from your feet. However, multiple colors and styles are also available. Always check your socks for blood stains before you wash them.
Compression diabetic socks go up to your knees. They help improve circulation to your lower legs and feet.
If you have diabetes, ask your doctor if you should wear diabetic socks. The term diabetic sock is a marketing moniker, not a medical term. Still, if you do decide to wear the socks, you can order them on medical websites. They are also available at most pharmacies or medical supply stores.
If you are diabetic, it's important to take good care of your feet. One simple way to care for your feet and prevent infection is to wear diabetic socks.


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